19 Questions to Improve your Sales Performance

80% of closing all sales is psychology, 20% is technique. In this session, Jeevan will share about the hard-hitting questions that will make you think about your sales performance. One of the biggest mistakes sales professionals commit is choosing the wrong target market. Most sales professionals will say that everyone is part of their target [...]
30 students enrolled

80% of closing all sales is psychology, 20% is technique. In this session, Jeevan will share about the hard-hitting questions that will make you think about your sales performance. One of the biggest mistakes sales professionals commit is choosing the wrong target market. Most sales professionals will say that everyone is part of their target market but that is the wrong approach when it comes to sales.

Main Features

  • Who is my target market?
  • Where do I find them in the highest concentration?
  • What are my strategies to penetrate these highest concentrations?
  • Who are my dream 100 decision makers?
  • What are the top 3 reasons customers have for buying my product?
  • What are the factors that will motivate a person to buy my product?
  • What are my products top 3 features?
  • Who are our top 3 testimonials?

Who is the target audience?

Learn more about qualifying all the right people that you need to sell to will guarantee a stunning sales performance.

Starting Course

19 Questions to Improve your Sales Performance by Jeevan Sahadevan
19 Questions to Improve your Sales Performance by Jeevan Sahadevan
19 Questions to Improve your Sales Performance by Jeevan Sahadevan
19 Questions to Improve your Sales Performance by Jeevan Sahadevan