5 Fundamentals of Sales Success

In this course, Jeevan Sahadevan goes through the fundamentals of successful selling. At times we are so caught up in our sales process that we tend to forget about the fundamentals of selling. Jeevan reveals and goes through these 5 important fundamental, and tells us why mastering each can bring us so much closer to [...]
147 students enrolled

In this course, Jeevan Sahadevan goes through the fundamentals of successful selling. At times we are so caught up in our sales process that we tend to forget about the fundamentals of selling. Jeevan reveals and goes through these 5 important fundamental, and tells us why mastering each can bring us so much closer to becoming super star in sales.

Below are the 5 fundamental elements of successful selling and the formula to sales success which Jeevan will explain in detail in the video.

QDPC x M = Sale Success

Main Features

  1. Q – Qualify your target market
  2. D – Diagnostic
  3. P – Present
  1. C – Close
  2. M – Mindset

Who is the target audience?

This course is for anyone in sales who wishes to increase their level of success by understanding the formula to sales success and the important fundamentals of sales.

Starting Course

5 Fundamentals of Sales Success by Jeevan Sahadevan