Be Unreasonable!

Hi warriors, here we’re again in an exciting motivational course with none other than the Jeevan session on Terrified Tuesday. We have a fascinating topic today that you won’t be missed, which is Be Unreasonable! The future belongs to the unreasonable, and society builds and grooms us to be reasonable. An unreasonable person is a […]

13 students enrolled

Hi warriors, here we’re again in an exciting motivational course with none other than the Jeevan session on Terrified Tuesday. We have a fascinating topic today that you won’t be missed, which is Be Unreasonable! The future belongs to the unreasonable, and society builds and grooms us to be reasonable. An unreasonable person is a person who breaks with tradition, and they are being incredibly future and action-oriented. So for today’s session, Jeevan will share the area you need to be unreasonable in if you want stunning success. But before that, do you know the differences between a reasonable person and an unreasonable person?

A Reasonable Person vs Unreasonable Person
• a reasonable person would look at incremental games in their business
• unreasonable person does not look at incremental games. They look at quantum jumps

these six areas are core areas, which you can develop, and you can some more areas but focus on these 6. if you can focus on these six areas, you can be unreasonable to have stunning success. Do that, become that person, and have an incredible balance of quarter one. Close quarter one on a super high note and super successful high note. Stay until the last, and write up and work on the keys that Jeevan will share. If you work on these six keys, your mental game for 2022 will be vital.

6 areas on how it can become incredibly unreasonable:

1. unreasonable thinking
– you have to dispose of and thoughts patterns
– you need to have big goals

2. unreasonable actions
– you write down a big 90 days goal
– list down 90 actions in 90 days
– execute each action flawlessly
– access and amend the action every Sunday

3. unreasonable friendship

4. unreasonable wealth building
– rules of 1 third:
• whatever income you earn in your life, one third you leave on.
• one third you invest in cash-producing assets
• one third you invest in education and network

5. unreasonable health and fitness

6. unreasonable mind power
– destroy the three mind cancers (blame, excuses and denial)
– subconscious programming (Say it, See it, Feel it)
– have faith

Jeevan – Be Unreasonable
Jeevan – Be Unreasonable