How To Turn Your Goals Into Reality in The Last 2 Months of 2021 and How Can You Master Self-Discipline

A motivational speech from two IQI Warriors is Jayden Ng from Team IQI C.S. and Reni Lim from team IQI Elite. Jayden will be sharing with you a few precious and powerful lessons on turning your goals into reality in the last two months of 2021. At the same time, Reni will share how you […]

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A motivational speech from two IQI Warriors is Jayden Ng from Team IQI C.S. and Reni Lim from team IQI Elite. Jayden will be sharing with you a few precious and powerful lessons on turning your goals into reality in the last two months of 2021. At the same time, Reni will share how you can master self-discipline with you. You can learn many tips and values from them that you won’t be missed, so watch till the end to get the tips and learn from them!

How To Turn Your Goals Into Reality In The Last 2 Months of 2021:

1. Goal Setting (be very specific, no vague)
• reverse engineer mechanism
• do, focus, skills
• monthly, weekly, daily basis
• dig (daily income goals): daily income goal

2. Focusing on 4 major areas in your life
• health — take care of your health
• personal goal — you need to take care of your relationship with people who surrounds you, spend more time with yourself by doing your fav hobbies
• finance — business, investments
• contribution — contributing back to the society

3. 4 steps formula (then your goals can be automagical)
• set it — set and write very specifically what goal you need to achieve
• see it — whenever your energy goes, attention goes. Energy flows, results shows.
• live it — live it your dreams
• share it — share it with people around you to give yourself positive energy

How Can You Master Self-Discipline:

1. Goal Setting
• set goal
• make plan
• get to work
• stick to it
• reach goal

2. Time Management
• weekly & daily task list
– start planning your weekly activity. What is your lifestyle, personal training, enjoyment?
– how will you allocate all these essential tasks in your daily life? you must set a goal and your time frame how much you need to give to accomplish every task in your daily and weekly activities

• Weekly timetable (flexible)
– try to split and segregate your work activities and personal activities
– flexibility for us is applicable when we make appointments with our customers, not when we make appointments with our activities

• Important & urgent quadrant
– urgent & important
– important & not urgent
– urgent & not important
– not urgent & not important

3. Practice do it now (no procrastination)

Jayden and Reni - How To Turn Your Goals Into Reality In The Last 2 Months of 2021 and How Can You Master Self-Discipline

Jayden and Reni - How To Turn Your Goals Into Reality In The Last 2 Months of 2021 and How Can You Master Self-Discipline

Jayden and Reni - How To Turn Your Goals Into Reality In The Last 2 Months of 2021 and How Can You Master Self-Discipline