Mega Trends of 2022

A motivational speech from our IQI Co-founder and Group Managing Director, Daniel Ho, about Mega Trends of 2022: Dear warriors, let’s start your year of 2022, a year of success with this session with Daniel. This course, which is marvellous Monday, and a meeting with all of you about something relevant on business, megatrend. When you […]

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A motivational speech from our IQI Co-founder and Group Managing Director, Daniel Ho, about Mega Trends of 2022: Dear warriors, let’s start your year of 2022, a year of success with this session with Daniel. This course, which is marvellous Monday, and a meeting with all of you about something relevant on business, megatrend. When you talk about megatrends, this is all about fundamental forces that will impact how we live our lives, how we manage our business, and how a country also forms a nation. So megatrends are going to affect us one day or another, and like it or not, our ability to be able to identify and our ability to understand megatrends will help us to strategize a better strategy for our business growth, and as well as come out with contingency plans in case there’s a significant shift in our market place. So make sure technology adoption is always one of your main criteria in building your business. Don’t miss these courses, stay and watch till the end, learn such a great sharing that you won’t be missing with Daniel, and make sure to write it down and apply it in your daily life. By the end of this course, I hope you will be loaded with many motivational and great tips.

Three megatrends that are going to impact real estate:

1. We are in a Period of Influencenery
– this period of influencenery will continue for many geographies for many countries, and it will continue to run its costs.
• there are three ways at least for central banks to generate more money or trade more money in the economy
1. central banks to start buying commercial build, treasury build, or government bond
2. lower the interest rate
3. reduce the reserves requirement

2. The Rise of Entrepreneurship
– these are a few links. In the next couple of years, you will see more and more people moving and becoming an entrepreneur or becoming/doing business on their own
• two reasons why there is a large group of people becoming entrepreneurs
1. their life has been displaced by covid 19
2. the young and encouraged
– these are the people who are young, and they have their vision

3. The Rise of Cybernetics
– cybernetics means it is a combination of humans and machines

Daniel Ho – Mega Trends of 2022
Daniel Ho – Mega Trends of 2022

Daniel Ho – Mega Trends of 2022

Daniel Ho – Mega Trends of 2022